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Take your aviation organisation paperless in 2020

Flight Scheduling and Daily Flight Record
At the core of Datahangar is the Flight Schedule. The schedule allows assets such as aircraft to be booked, pilots assigned, and a wide range of flight information to be captured and stored. The Datahangar Flight Schedule can be accessed through the main web interface, the mobile web interface, or it can be synced with your choice of google calendar accounts

Student Progress and lesson plan tracking
Track your student progress through their lesson plans and account for every exercise they have and haven't flown.

The roster feature of Datahangar allows you to create rosters for your staff or students. You have the flexibility of creating your own roster types, such as "Day shift" or "Night shift". You also have the option of creating groups for specific staff, students or aircraft

Flight and Duty, and SMS Reports
Datahangar captures both flight and duty times to help ensure that these times are never exceeded. The SMS Reports can be customized to allow you to capture all of the information required for your SMS.